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SAT training in Hyderabad equips students with essential skills, strategies, and resources to excel in the SAT. Experienced coaches offer personalized guidance for effective preparation and improved test performance.

Typically the first query any test-taker has is: What does SAT training stand  for? Well, interestingly, today it’s an empty acronym with no expanded meaning. Originally, it was short for Scholastic Aptitude Test and later Scholastic Assessment test, reflecting its owner, The College Board’s, purpose to use the test as an assessment of intelligence or aptitude.

Today, the SAT test is a well-designed, comprehensive evaluation of a student’s college-readiness and a quantitative factor for admission officers to compare college applicants.

Why SAT?

SAT is mostly written by students who have finished high-school and intend to apply for undergraduate programs in USA & some other countries. Though some colleges accept either SAT or ACT, many more insist on SAT. So, it is a critical criterion to get a seat in your dream undergrad school.

Presently, over 2 million students across 175 countries write the SAT every year. In India, more than 35 Indian Universities accept SAT scores for admission. College Board, in partnership with Indian Universities, has established India Global Higher Education Alliance to facilitate Indian students, providing SAT fee waivers, admission assistance, scholarship programs as well as SAT guidance.


The test underwent reformatting in 2016, with massive changes to the content & test structure. The new test is nicknamed…well, The New SAT. It is a paper-based, written test that assesses three key skills:

  • Verbal (Evidence-based Reading)
  • Quantitative (Math Sections with/without Calculator)
  • Written (Essay Writing)

Time : 65 minutes

Number Of Questions: 52

Time : 35 minutes

Number Of Questions: 44

Time : 25 minutes

Number Of Questions: 20

Time : 55 minutes

Number Of Questions: 38

Time : 50 minutes

1 Task


Conducted By
The College Board, USA
No minimum/maximum age limit. No minimum educational criteria. Could be written by students still in high school
5 times annually
3hrs + 50 mins (Essay)
400 – 1600 points; 2-8 (Essay Scores)
SAT (Regular) Test; SAT Subject Tests
$101 (Without Essay); $117 (With Essay)
3 years


Dynamic Preparation

Every minute of your course is maximized to make you test-ready

Every minute of your course is maximized to make you test-ready

High-Quality Content

Constantly-updated Course Content designed to suit test-taker of every aptitude

Constantly-updated Course Content designed to suit test-taker of every aptitude

Engaging, Competent Trainers

Rigorously-trained teachers with a sense of humor ensure there’s not a single drab moment in your class!

Rigorously-trained teachers with a sense of humor ensure there’s not a single drab moment in your class!

Guaranteed Target Score!

That coveted score is surely within your easy reach if you train with us!

That coveted score is surely within your easy reach if you train with us!

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